Group Program 




Our 4 month Group Program is designed to help you identify and address the root cause of your symptoms through advanced Functional Lab Testing, Personalized recommendations and Educational Resources while being surrounded by a supportive Community of like-minded women!

You deserve to FINALLY understand why your symptoms are happening, what exactly to do in order to address them and be supported every single step of the way!

 *Offer valid for U.S. and Canada based clients only*


I'm Ready To Go!

The Rooted Balance Method

 This Is For You If: 

  • You’re experiencing unwanted symptoms like bloating, fatigue, acne, unpredictable moods, trouble sleeping, recurrent UTIs/yeast infections, irregular/difficult cycles, sluggish metabolism, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, etc.
  • You’re sick of rushed appointments and being dismissed by practitioners
  • You have been told your lab work is "normal" even though you feel awful
  • You’re sick of being told to “eat less and work out more”
  • You’re sick of being offered prescription meds as your only option
  • You feel like you've tried everything and don't know where to start
  • You’re overwhelmed by all the conflicting information online
  • You want Specialty Functional Medicine Labs run to pinpoint the root cause
  • You want the support of an Integrative Health Practitioner (me 👋🏻) and a community of like-minded women to help you implement a plan
I Am Ready To Get Started!

It's Time to Finally Get You Some Answers!


What's Included:

Review and Interpretation of Specialty Functional Medicine Labs

4 Labs:

Organic Acids Test

  • Most comprehensive test to look into someone’s well being
  • Urine based test looking at 75 different data points!
  • In depth look at the gut & digestive function, including the presence of toxic bacterial and or yeast overgrowth (including fungal mold)
  • Liver detoxification status
  • Specific vitamin deficiencies
  • Neurotransmitter levels (chemical messengers in the brain responsible for mood, energy and sleep-tied to anxiety + mental health)
  • Mitochondrial/Amino acid energy status (inside of the cells)
  • And more!

Great for those struggling with...

  • Bloating and Gas
  • Acid Reflux
  • Constipation/Diarrhea
  • Mood Irregularities
  • Immune Dysfunction
  • Joint pain
  • Skin concerns

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

  • Hair based sample giving us an in depth look at your body’s response to stress over the last 3 months
  • Comprehensive look at Adrenal Function
  • Mineral status including deficiencies in things like Magnesium, Sodium, Calcium and Potassium
  • Presence of Toxic Heavy Metal accumulation
  • Overview of metabolic, blood sugar and thyroid health

Great for those struggling with...

  • High Stress
  • Low Energy and Fatigue
  • Poor Sleep
  • Headaches
  • Skin Rashes
  • Numbness and Tingling

Food Sensitivity

  • Finger stick based sample measuring IgG reactions to certain foods
  • Shows us what foods your body is having a delayed immune based inflammatory reaction to
  • Tests for 190 common foods

Great for those struggling with...

  • Headaches
  • Joint Pain/Stiffness
  • Brain Fog
  • Low Mood/Irritability
  • Muscle Weakness
  • Itchy Skin

Thyroid, Adrenal, Hormone

  • Saliva and Finger stick based sample for highest level of accuracy
  • Helps to identify any imbalances directly affecting overall metabolic function
  • In depth look into Hormone function including:
    • Sex Hormones
    • Cortisol at 4 different points throughout the day/night for highest accuracy
    • FULL Thyroid panel
    • Insulin, Blood sugar
    • Vitamin D

Great for those struggling with...

  • Unexplained Weight Gain
  • Mood Imbalances
  • Brain Fog
  • Puffiness
  • Low Libido
  • Thin Brittle Hair

Review and Interpretation of Functional Medicine Based Intake Assessments

PDF Blueprint of my custom recommendations

Community support from myself and other women going through a similar health journey

LIVE Biweekly Group Calls

Two 1:1 Calls

Private messaging access to me and my team

Access to my practitioner dispensary for supplements with a discount!

Review and Interpretation of recent blood work

Lifetime Access to Educational Modules

8 Modules Include:


  • Shifting the Mind For Success
  • When Motivation Isn't Enough
  • Limiting Beliefs Keeping You Stuck
  • Realistic Goal Setting for Optimal Success
  • 2 Guided Resources


  • Why You Need to Detox
  • How to Know When to Detox
  • How to Complete a Functional Medicine Detox
  • Detox Tips & Tricks 
  • 2 Guided Resources


  • What to Eat, When to Eat & How Much to Eat for Balanced Hormones and Optimal Gut Health
  • Best Practices For Meal Hygiene
  • How to Balance Your Blood Sugar
  • How to Eat Out
  • 10 Guided Resources


  • What Stress Actually Is
  • All About the Stress Response
  • Physical Effects of Chronic Stress & Trauma
  • How To Interrupt the Stress Pattern
  • Stress Management Technique
  • 3 Guided Resources

Mastering Routines

  • Mastering Daily Routines
  • Mastering Sleep
  • Best Practices for AM/PM Routines
  • 2 Guided Resources

Hormone Friendly Movement

  • How to Build a Hormone Friendly Exercise Routine
  • Sample Videos
  • 1 Guided Resource

Non-Toxic Products

  • Toxins and Your Hormones
  • Hormone Friendly Product Swaps
  • 1 Guided Resource

Cycle Syncing/Natural Birth Control

  • Mastering Your Menstrual Cycle
  • Cycle Syncing
  • Natural Birth Control
  • 3 Guided Resources

This program may not be right for you if: 

  • You’re looking for a quick fix and expect results overnight
  • You aren’t ready to take responsibility for your health and progress
  • You aren't ready to implement dietary changes for at least 3 months
  • You aren't ready to change your current nutrition and lifestyle habits
  • You aren't ready to get uncomfortable taking action to improve your health
  • You aren't ready and willing to find ways to decrease the stressors in your daily life
  • You are unwilling to use Facebook and/or participate in a group setting
  • You’re looking for private 1:1 sessions (please see our 1:1 service instead)


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